viernes, 26 de marzo de 2021

All Around the World 🌍

Welcome back, guys! Esta semana os traemos una nueva sección para el blog llamada "All Around the World 🌍". Sabemos que la primavera trae buen tiempo, calor y, sobre todo, planes de verano. Es por eso que, gracias al alumnado de primero de la ESO, vamos a poder decidir el destino de nuestras próximas vacaciones muy rápidamente. Eso sí, recordad que siempre debemos viajar con responsabilidad y siguiendo todas las normas COVID. 

¿Y vosotros? ¿Habéis estado en alguno de estos sitios? ¿Os gustaría visitarlo? ¿De qué país te gustaría que hablásemos? 

Bon voyage! ✈️


(Written by María Eugenia Girón, 1ºB) 

Portugal is in the southwest of Europe, bordering Spain. 

It has a cape called Cabo Girão, located in the Madeira Archipelago. Its highest mountains are the mountain of Pico Ruivo and Pico del Arieiro. There are several rivers such as the Tajo, the Duero and the Guadiana, which also pass through Spain. Its coasts are bathed by the Atlantic Ocean. It has very beautiful and important beaches, such as Praia Sao Pedro de Muel, in Marinha Grande, Praia de Dona Ana, in the Algarve, and Praia de Tres Irmaos, also in the Algarve. 

Portugal is very beautiful and it has a lot of cultural richness. It is a country with many important and interesting monuments. One of the most interesting facts about Portugal is that it is one of the oldest nations. Portugal is so beautiful and wonderful. I recommend you visiting it, you will love it! 


(Written by Natalia Caballero, 1ºB) 

Germany is a Western European country found in Western Europe. Its geographical limits are: 

  • To the North, it borders Denmark and The Netherlands.
  • To the South, it borders Switzerland and Italy. 
  • To the East, it borders the Czech Republic and Poland. 
  • To the West, it borders France and London. 
According to the relief, you can find the Bavarian forest or the Black Forest, among other things (mountains, rivers, etc.). 

Some typical German things are: 
  • There are more than 1,500 beer factories and more than 5,000 different brands.
  • Sausages are famous in Germany. 
  • The Oktoberfest party.
  • The concentration camps in Berlin. 
  • Brandenburg Gate. 
  • The Berlin Wall. 

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