miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2021

Lights, camera, action! 🎬

Hello, people! Según la predicción meteorológica, en pocos días entrará una nueva ola de frío a nuestra ciudad. ¿Tenéis pensado pasar, entonces, el fin de semana en casa? Desde la sección "Te recomendamos", os dejamos la reseña de una película que quizá os apetezca ver con la familia, una mantita y un buen bol de palomitas🍿. 


A review by Jimena Cerrato Riballo (1ºB)

Genre: Romance and musical

Year: 2017

Length: 2 hours 19 minutes

The Beauty and the Beast is a really good film. 

This film has actors like Emma Watson, Dan Stevens or Luke Evans, among others. 

I like this film because it is about a girl (Belle), her father, a terrific beast (Beast) and a man and his friend (Gaston and Lefou). 

Belle is a clever and a beautiful girl that loves reading. Her father is an inventor. Gaston is a man and he is in love with Belle, but she really hates Gaston. He and Lefou are hunters. The beast is a prince but he is under a spell with the servants of his castle. 

One day, Belle's father went to a fair but he got lost in a forest. He found a castle but the owner captured him. Belle went to rescue her father so he was finally free. After some months, Belle fell in love with the beast because, despite of being terrific, he has a good heart. Gaston went to hunt the beast and to rescue Belle, but he couldn't. At the end, Belle's love broke the spell and the beast and his servants were finally free. 

It is a fantastic film, don't miss it! 

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